Heart Wrenching News and Goodbye Borrego Springs, CA

So let’s start with Borrego Springs …

If you have ever had the opportunity to boondock at Clark Dry Lake along Rockhouse Road in Borrego Springs I’m sure you will be as sad to hear this news as we were 😯 This 160 acre parcel is now closed to boondockers as the property has been sold and the new owners are no longer interested in sharing it with us boondockers.

Ruffin It With Rufus has more information on the closure but what also scared me was a reply to a comment on his last blog that indicated Alabama Hills may also be closed to boondockers soon. I guess it is a good thing we had a good visit there this year!

Hubby also went onto Campendium, which we routinely use to check out places to stay, and they no longer list Rockhouse Road as a boondocking option 😦

This is a hibiscus flower. I love it because it is so different from the usual flower.

And the heart wrenching news …

I follow a blog called Our Awesome Adventures about the travels of George and Suzie. The thing about bloggers is we have many great friends who we know so well only through blogging. You develop a friendship through your mutual blogs and comments back and forth and it is not unusual to feel very close to bloggers you have never even met in person, although we have been fortunate to meet both George and Suzie a few times at Bloggerfest.

Last night’s sunset.

At the beginning of October George had a sore back that he thought was because he had used the gym and over exerted himself. In just over a month they learned he had cancer, put their snowbird plans on hold, rented an apartment for the winter, George ended up in the hospital, and yesterday Suzie posted that they are now looking at hospice 😥

Our hearts go out to George, but also to Suzie and their family who all of the sudden are facing a heartbreaking situation. George has always been so positive, even while going through all of this, and his blogs always put a smile on my face.

As I do my walkabout this morning George you will be in my thoughts and as Suzie says, “take one day at a time”.

Until next time …

11 thoughts on “Heart Wrenching News and Goodbye Borrego Springs, CA

  1. It is an unfortunate situation that we will all face some day. We can only Pray that George can hold on or there is a Miracle Cure that becomes available.
    Sad about Rockhouse Road as well. We loved the area. They don’t seem to realize how that will negatively affect Borrego Springs.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the warmer temperatures.

    It’s about time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sad news all around.

    I tried to get us a spot at the state park in that area last year and couldn’t get a site. With less boondocking available, it will be even tougher. It just seems like the trend lately is more RVers, less sites. It’s not good for anyone.

    I’m sorry to hear about your blogger friends. Obviously, I know exactly what you mean about being friends with people we haven’t met. It’s a terribly sad situation, especially given how fast it came about. We all know how quickly life can turn, but seeing it happen in real time is always a wake up call.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you are right, it will be next to impossible to get a spot at the star park 😞

      Life can turn so quickly so I think it’s great that we have a group of friends, that include a whole lot of people we have never met but can call friends, and all get out and enjoy life as George and Suzie did for so many years.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The news about George is so sad. They are so lucky to have a loving family nearby.
    We have parked out on Rockhouse Rd a couple of times such a great spot. Loved watching the shadows float across those mountains. Sorry to read it is closed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They are fortunate to have a loving family nearby to support them. I also think they are also so blessed to have all those years of traveling and enjoying life together. We can all pray that things turn around for George.


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