Damage :-(

Before we went to bed Friday night we took one last walk around the campground and saw that a tree had landed in one of the sites along the river. It was getting dark and I hadn’t brought my camera so I figured I would go back Saturday morning and get a picture.

So yesterday, armed with my camera and a cup of coffee, we started our walk around the park. We barely got out of our site when the Park Manager stopped to tell us they had lost a campsite and a tree had come down over the bridge! And we blissfully slept through it all!

You can see where the tree was ripped from the banks, and the fence that was once anchored is now flapping in the water.

Good thing they made the decision not to open the third loop even though the campground was full Friday night!


As we walked around loop three we could see many signs of the water rising and flooding some areas. The tree that had come down last night was from this loop. Rushing water ripped it from the bank and the tree came down and landed near a site on the other side of the river.

Where the top of the tree landed on the other side of the creek.

The tree that came down sat on the edge of site 109. This use to be a popular site on the mouth of the river but sometime during the night a good portion of the site was swept away by the river 🙂

Picture Friday evening and you could see the bank was starting to wash away.

The fire pit and picnic table where swept down the creek!

I took this picture from site 109 looking out to Okanagan Lake a week ago.

This is what it looked like yesterday!

We found the fire pit at the mouth of the creek.

And we found the picnic table in the middle of the creek not far from site 109 … I managed to spot a corner of the table when I was taking pictures.

Now the cleanup begins … the Park Manager had his work cut out for him!

Once the debris was cleared we could see another tree that didn’t look too sturdy!

About five minutes after I took the above picture we heard a large crash and immediately knew that the other tree had come down 😦


It will be interesting to see what today brings!

Until next time …

7 thoughts on “Damage :-(

  1. Pingback: Goodbye Picnic Table | Maxx Trails

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