Such A Peaceful Morning

I have been thinking that I need to write a blog but I really have nothing to say. Life is great and we enjoy everyday but nothing has really been blog worthy, until this morning.

Yup I’m going to bore you with another series of sunrise photos 😀

I headed out at 4:30 this morning for my walk and could immediately see the sunrise was going to be beautiful.

As I headed toward the lake I noticed how quiet and peaceful it was this morning.

You would think that it would always be peaceful that early in the morning, but surprisingly it isn’t.

Some mornings campers are up, usually heading to the washroom, or the wind is blowing through the trees, or dogs are barking, or babies are crying … but this morning it was just silence that greeted me and I really enjoyed it.

As I left the lake behind and headed up along the creek I was greeted by a goose family.

I was also greeted, well actually startled is a better word, by a deer three times when he bound across the road in front of me. I think he was following me along my walk and was having fun startling me 🙂

Even three hours after my walk ended I’m still thinking about how enjoyable it was to enjoy the outdoors this morning in peaceful silence.

Until next time …

2 thoughts on “Such A Peaceful Morning

  1. Your photos of the sunrise are beautiful! Stunning, is a better word. Thank you for sharing. I keep forgetting to share that we have 3 goose families but we’ve only seen them once in the front field and they were moving fast. 4 babies each.

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    • We have way to many geese in the park and way to many goslings. I’m hoping some of them will move on to a new location when they are old enough to fly. But in the meantime I enjoy watching the little one grow 😊

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